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Jun 30, 2020
This month our new Pride Pins came out of the closet and are out and proud on HER profiles. We are taking the style of those pins on your jean jacket, backpack or hat and making them digital. These new Pride Pins are also a part of our Premium filters, so you can filter for specific pins to meet someone.
To add Pride Pins to your profile, navigate to your profile and select Edit. When you scroll down, you should see Pride Pins listed just below About Me. Tapping on “Add a pin” will open up the Pride Pins selection page. Select as many pins as you would like to add to your profile.
When you go back to preview mode, you’ll see the pins on your profile as others would see them when viewing your profile. This is also what they look like when you view others’ profiles on Meet.
What are you waiting for? Add that flair to your HER Profile and show your Pride 3-6-5.