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Oct 14, 2013
The success of a date can often hang entirely on where you take your lady. Do you go for quiet and intimate or exciting and wild? Somewhere you can be adventurous or low-key where you can talk about your childhood pets?
Decisions, decisions. Well, we’re going to give you a helping hand and provide you with some Top 5 date ideas to inspire you all to have great dates, first or otherwise. We’ve always got our eye out for a cool place for a date but if you spot one you’d like to recommend, send it in to heya @
This weeks:…pub?
The Winchester – You know all those times you wished you could drink cocktails out of a teapot? Well now you can, at the cosy and sometimes unconventional Winchester pub in Islington. The delicious food won’t break the bank and stick around in the evenings as things get lively.
Waxy O’Connors – Maybe more of a tourist spot than a local pub, Waxy O’Connor’s is more like a Lord of the Rings-looking Irish tree house than a pub. Everything is made of wood and there’s a tree in the middle of it, if you can find the middle that is; it’s so big and similar looking it can feel like a mini labyrinth once you’ve had a few drinks. You’ll have a fun night here but on St. Patrick’s Day, all bets are off.
The Star of Bethnal Green – Described by the owners as the grown up raver’s boozer of choice, The Star of Bethnal Green can get pretty rowdy when it wants to. And it definitely wants to; you can find Karaoke nights and The Unskinny Bop queer party night here, so don’t come looking for a quiet pint, you won’t find it.
The Lazy Fox – Can you beat a pub that has a self-service beer wall? Buy a card and fill up at the wall in The Lazy Fox. Once you’ve got a pint in hand you can get comfortable in the homey surroundings; it’s like getting drunk with a lot of strangers in your living room.
The Water Poet – Located in Spitalfields, The Water Poet is many things: pub, restaurant, cinema and comedy clubs. There’s always something happening and over Halloween they’re showing some great classic horror movies to get you in the spooky mood.