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Mar 19, 2015
From secret parties to yogi gatherings, Meetup has been one of the best platforms to meet groups of like-minded lezzies from your area. There’s literally something for everyone, but how do you know which ones are actually active? Where is the best location to meet women, SF or Oakland? And which ones are going to have some great bae’s to meet? In celebration of our Bay Area launch, we’ve pulled together a 2 post special on the best Meetups of the Bay Area. First up…
Hosting some of the best parties and greatest new coffee spots, the East Bay is becoming a little honey pot for queer women. So we’ve created a “hella tight” list of the East Bays’ best Meetups to save you search time and that awkward situ when it’s just you and an organizer. San Francisco city team – don’t you worry – the follow up post will be coming out soon, you can save your Bart money for drinks. Drum roll.
East Bay LGBTQQ Fun Group
2457 Members
The Vibe: A larger LGBTQQ Meetup group, this crew are about being social, getting on with lots of laughing and enjoying life. The meet ups are focused around socializing and getting a chance to chat with others – think hiking and lots of outdoor activities. But for those into evening shenanigans, there’s happy hour and game night. Coming soon: Laser Tag (YEA!), a private brewery tour, and a big summer BBQ.
The Community: The crowd is typically in the 27-40 age group and the size of each meet up is around 30-40 women. Bigger nights get capped at 50 and sell out pretty quickly so make sure you get in early. (Extra way to attend: become a co-organizer as they’re looking for new team members!)
Next Event: Laser Tag! Put April 9th on the calendar and join the Meetup group to attend.
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East Bay Lesbian Friendly Activity Group
697 Members
The Vibe: A group mainly for those over 40, this group is more activity led and a great chance to connect with other women that are up for trying out something new. Dinners out, movies, hikes, bike rides, dances and monthly socials are all popular with the East Bay Lesbian Friendly Activity Group. There’s a wide range of interests among the 680+ members, so meet ups vary with everything from a tour of the model railroad museum to a gathering at a belly dancing festival. We said it was varied!
The Community: The group has a range of ages but most folks are in their 40s, 50s or 60s. Everyone is welcome regardless of age. Most of the meet ups are small enough for everyone to get a chance to connect (think 5-10 people per meet up)
Next Event: The next event is a lesbian history fundraiser in Berkeley. Those who were here in the SF Bay Area during the 70s and 80s will be sharing their memories from that time! Awesome.
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Oakland & San Francisco – Lesbian Mixers, Events, Activities
1274 Members
The Vibe: This one is much more on the flirting, dating, socializing side. A typical event is a mixer plus speed dating with singles and sometimes couples, mostly lesbian and bisexual women. Think dancing, chatting, speed dating, mixing and mingling. If you’re looking to meet your next gal pal, this just might be the group for you.
The Community: Women are between 21-55 and it’s for all types – from butch to femme to andro, it’s a nicely diverse crowd. A typical event like speed dating has up to 22 women in the hot seat for introductions while downstairs the lounge party has between 25-75 women dancing to the DJ.
Next Event: Suggestions include a visit to Play where Kiss FM’s DJ Christie James will be playing.
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Fun Girls Who Like Girls!
434 Members
The Vibe: These meet ups take place primarily around Oakland and San Francisco and are focused on the younger crowd. Expect to meet a totally new set of women at every event you attend. They’ll head out to comedy night, game nights, picnics in the park, museum trips, speed-dating, and casual bar gatherings. There was even a meet up to plan a trip to Thailand! It’s a completely relaxed, no pressure gathering of girls. What more could you ask for?!
The Community: This is a Meetup for those in their 20’s and 30’s, and the number of people can range from 5 for the smaller events to 20 at their larger ones.
Next Event: The next suggested event is a Yoga sesh on Saturday March 21st.
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Sometimes it’s about meeting the right people who spark that unforgettable location. Join HER, the world’s most loved LGBTQ+ dating & community app (a safer and flirty alternative to most lesbian chat rooms) to find your allies or even your person.