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May 23, 2019
HER is creating online space for queer womxn and people to share their experiences. We believe your stories change the world. Whether it’s a coming out story, transition story, your queer life, or anything involving the LGBTQ+ community — your voice matters. We’re looking for bloggers, writers, artists, and community members to fearlessly share their point of view.
We want to hear from you!
My Queer Life:
We’re all at the frontlines of our own lives, and it’s important for us to keep our stories alive. We love a good first-hand experience, and the My Queer Life segment is a space to show the world that we’ve been queer the whole time. We’re looking for self-care, self-love, and self-respect stories. Your identity matters here at HER.
Here are some examples we love:
My Queer Life with Chronic Pain
Laverne Cox Opens up on Contemplating Suicide: ‘Misgendering a Trans Person is an act of violence’
When you’re an Asexual Assault Survivor, It’s Even Harder to be Heard
Tips and Advice
Have advice for coming out? Transitioning? Succeeding in your career as a QPOC (Queer Person of Color)? Whether it’s how you shop for androgynous fashion on a budget, or tips for experiencing BDSM for the first time, this community is seeking answers and experiences.
Here are some examples we love:
Queer Trainers and Athletes Give Us Their Best Fitness Tips
The Tomboy’s Guide for what to Wear to Weddings
Chat Up Lines that Actually Work
Amplify News of Womxn and Queers
We all know the mainstream news rarely covers the stories that impact our community. We’re looking for LGBTQ+ history, queer celebrity sightings, news that has been hidden by the mainstream, and how queers are tearing down walls across the world.
Here are some examples we love:
Kansas picks Sharice Davids as its first gay and Native American nominee for Congress
Leyna Bloom: Gems of Knowledge from SXSW
Sephora is Launching In-Store Beauty Classes for Trans People
11 Perfect Responses from Women Who Give No Fucks about Sexual Labels
Representing Real Identities and Real Relationships
We’re looking for bold personalities to submit any piece that they feel needs to be told. Maybe you want to sarcastically review yet another bad LGBTQ+ movie, pour your heart out about surviving a breakup, or give us a story about an experience that was outside the box. Make us feel something. Whether it gives us all the feels or a solid belly laugh, we want to read it.
Here are some examples we love:
Mamma Tammye of Queer Eye Has a Message for Queer People That Will Make You Sob
LGBTQ+ Womxn Talk Dating in their 30’s
Who’s the Lesbian and Who’s the Other Lesbian in this Straight Couple?
Do you want your voice to be shared with this amazing Community? Fill out all the information in the survey here.