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Jul 30, 2015
Welcome to HER Sound to all you Canadian lezzies and queers! If you’re not Canadian aloha and welcome back to the program. I’ve been searching for the hottest and most talented DJs and artists around the country and I’ve found a Canadian gem! Kasha Kennedy out of Vancouver B.C. is a fiery, sexpot that will make your eyes pop out of your head. A DJ, producer and model that takes her artistry very seriously. We sat down to discuss her favorite music right now, who she’d hook up with on OITNB and her come out story.
Kasha Kennedy is a passionate fireball! Super stoked to be living this life and just want to spread good energy and share love through music everywhere I go. I wake up everyday with a positive mindset feeling free and present. The only thing that can hold you back from your dreams is you, so never doubt or let negativity take over! Live now.
It was a good 10 years ago. My Mom wanted to come stay with me but I was living with my girlfriend at the time. Kinda forced the conversation to happen. I grew up in a very Christian home so you can imagine how that went. I even surpressed my own sexuality and confused it for being wrong. Now my family is very open and loving of whomever I date, they just want me to be happy. For me, identifying as strictly gay or lesbian puts me in a closed box. I am very free and open when it comes to love and relationships, as long as the person you are with adds to your happiness!
Thank you! I am super stoked at the response with that remix. My love for music inspires me everyday. The feeling I get as a DJ playing other peoples music and receiviing the energy I do from the crowds stokes my fire. I’m inspired to keep working at my own music because I will be over the moon if my music can move people or enhance their night. I watch videos from Tomorrowland, EDC, etc and when I watch some of my favorite DJ/Producers playing and it gets me so excited. There aren’t many female’s at that level so I think there is definitly room for more women to come up as sick producers and that also inspires me!
I am single. Super happy, loving life and living free. But I do look forward to having a family one day with the right person 🙂
Alex because she is a boss ass gangster drug dealer and her character is just so suave.
There is a club that is re-opening called “The Odyssey“ I will be spinning their launch party on Thursday July, 30th! I travel so much I didn’t know if I would be in town for Vancouver Pride so aside from that I am spinning two private fireworks parties and going to enjoy all the Pride festivities.
I like all types of music 😛
+ ALL Nicki Minaj……
Rick Ross “Trilla” (