Robyn is the CEO & Founder of HER. Find her on Twitter.
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Feb 29, 2020
When it’s not being taken over by porn, lesbian Twitter is a collection of the funniest, smartest, but mostly saddest dykes on the internet. It’s where wlw (women who love women) memes are shared, tweets about wanting a girlfriend are feverishly retweeted, and exes passive aggressively @ each other.
Lesbian Twitter is a collection of the funniest, smartest, but mostly saddest dykes on the internet.
There are some internet celesbians on lesbian Twitter, but usually it’s just a bunch of queer women age 19-28 who are much funnier and cooler than all of us. They’re making fun of straight culture while pining after middle-aged straight celebs (looking at you, Rachel Weisz). They’re sharing cottagecore-covered fantasies that involve a beautiful wife baking them muffins. They’re mostly talking about wanting a girlfriend.
Download HERLesbian Twitter is very different from lesbian TikTok in that it’s not all teenagers with undercuts lip-syncing to rap. It’s a little bit bleaker, sure, but still a whole lot of fun!
Robyn is the CEO & Founder of HER. Find her on Twitter.