Robyn is the CEO & Founder of HER. Find her on Twitter.
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Oct 22, 2024
Have you HERd the news? We’ve launched a brand new feature that will help make all your queer dream home manifesting come true. Introducing: The U-Haul Button & Moving-In Styles Compatibility Quiz.
Matching with someone new on HER is always super exciting, especially when the conversation immediately clicks. Getting to know someone in the chats is one of the best parts- learning what bands you both love, goals for the future you share, and even just learning what favorite emojis are in their arsenal. But some stuff is hard to learn about each other naturally in conversation. Like, how do you know that you’ll be compatible in shared spaces once you’re offline and together IRL?
The U-Haul Button is here to help! By tapping this button, you’ll launch our amazing Moving In Together quiz. Complete all the questions to find out what your Moving In Style is, and how compatible your style is with others so that you know how breezy taking that iconic sapphic Uhauling step will be.
Learn how to use the U-Haul Button & take the quiz!
To find the U-Haul Button, head on over to your inbox on the app. Tap on a conversation in your inbox to open your chat thread with your match. Check out the top right corner of the screen. There will be a super cute image of a moving truck. Tap that to launch the quiz!
When you tap the U-Haul Button, you’ll get a snazzy pop-up with a button that says “Start the Quiz!”. Once you click start, you’ll be taken to our handy dandy Moving-In Style & Compatibility Quiz. Read each question and tap the answer that best describes you (you only get one answer per question!). When you’ve answered every question, hit submit and you’ll be able to see what your Moving-In Style best suits you.
Also at the end of the quiz, you’ll be able to see your compatibility with other Moving-In Styles (kind of like zodiac vibes). Look at your Moving-In Style to the left and your match’s Moving-In Style to the top and find the square where they intersect. This space will have the 411 about how we predict your Uhauling future with them will go.
This new feature is only available in the U.S.
Robyn is the CEO & Founder of HER. Find her on Twitter.