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Mar 11, 2015
You may have noticed that we recently changed our name. After years of being called one thing, we are now called HER and you can read all about it right here.
But that’s not all that’s changed. Our whole app (and so I guess our entire business) has changed too.
We spent a lot of 2014 understanding and learning about what women want. Life’s eternal question, right? What DO women want? We had this cool app called Dattch which was going pretty good. There were thousands of people joining each month. There were women falling in love, breaking up, making friends and figuring out their sexuality. And that was great (is great). But there was also a lot more going on.
95% of all messages and conversations started with exactly the same pattern:
1. I view your profile
2. You view my profile and Like something on my profile
3. I like something on your profile
4. You send me a message saying something smart and funny about something we have in common
This pattern was so consistent that we realised we could probably be doing more to get you to the WE CHATS a bit easier.
So we changed how you view profiles and how you start talking. You now view one profile at a time. You can like anything on any girl’s profile, and if she likes you too, you’ll get chatting with an opener of what you both liked. It means you can find those common interests and talk about them right away. It means you can see a person’s whole profile before you make a snap decision. It means you can still browse from profile to profile (yes, you can go back) and decide if you’d like to chat.
It’s just all a lot simpler.
But on top of what we saw people doing in the app, we also had A LOT of feedback about what was missing. And there was one thing that repeatedly came up, no matter where we were – in surveys, in user interviews, in focus groups – everyone wanted to know about events. So we decided to create a Feed for your local community. Not only does it have all the content from our Blog, but it also has at least one event that is taking place in your city that week. You can see who else is attending the event (view and like their profile straight from the Feed) and chat to everyone going.
We’re starting off small with this update: London, Los Angeles, New York City and San Francisco at first. But we are hoping to grow it to Birmingham, Dublin, Glasgow, Manchester, Miami and Portland fairly soon. If you think you can help us with that, please get in touch.
You’re going to see a lot more coming into that Feed space, and there will be plenty of opportunities for you to get involved. If you want to recommend an event, write a blog post, share a story – just email and she’d love to work with you on it.
So that’s the key stuff. It’s obviously pretty different from what we had before (combined with the new name and the new brand), but we really believe in what we’ve built and think it’s going to create an incredible community for you, me, and the rest of us. Our goal is to connect the dots in the lesbian community and this is our first step in getting there. As always, there is still a lot to do AND we really appreciate your support, feedback and help as we try to grow this community. So get in touch with me – I’m Let me know what you think!