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Keys to the House: When to Friend vs. When to Like a Profile

Nov 05, 2019

Keys to the House: When to Friend vs. When to Like a Profile

When someone is right in front of you, it is much easier to show them that you are interested. You can introduce yourself, buy them a drink, compliment their outfit, and the list goes on. But how do you do the same on an app? On HER you have three ways to show someone that you are interested, let’s break it down.

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Swipe Right = Match
Swiping right on a profile is equivalent to saying that you’d like to get to know this person for romantic or hook up reasons. There is an attraction to them, and you want that person to know that you are here to give them constant heart eye emojis (if things work out). Swipe right on that person you want to date.

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Swipe Left = Pass
At this time, you are not interested in this person. It could be their star sign, that they live too far or that they are not the person you are looking to spend your time with and that is fine. It doesn’t send the person a notification, and you can keep moving to find what you are looking for.

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Friend Request = Let’s be friends
Many people are on the HER app just to find friends or people to talk to. This could be a couple that wants to meet more queer people in their area, that person who lives in a not so LGBTQ+ friendly town, and wants to make friends or someone who just moved and is trying to build their community. Send them a friend request if they seem like your next bestie.

Now that you know the best ways to connect, take the actions you feel best about and make those friends or hopefully become the next #WeMetOnHER story!

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