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Mar 14, 2019
Welcome to HER’s new advice segment, Tea with Auntie. This is the space to come and spill all the tea in your life (openly or anonymously) and receive advice from our resident Auntie and the Community. This will happen twice a month, so if you need advice send your questions here
Maria: “I’ve been unofficially dating this womxn for three months. We sleepover and hookup regularly, but nothing else is happening and I’m getting mixed messages. We met at a work party and have been doing this ever since. Do I keep trying for more or is it time to move on?”
Auntie: *sips tea* Not to assume your pronouns, but GIRL. If y’all have been doing this game for a Uhaul move in amount of time, then you need to keep it moving. I’ll be honest, it sounds like she’s trying to have her cake and eat it to. Know your worth and own it.
But that’s just Auntie’s advice – Community, what do you think?