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Dec 05, 2015
From friends, to coming out stories to meeting the love of your life, we want to hear & share all of the amazing stories from your time on Her. If you have a great story to share, please let us know by clicking on this link and telling us all about it.
We spoke with Jess & El, a couple with quite possibly the cutest dog in the world, a beautiful love story and a lot of fun times in between.
Eloise: Crumbs. Where to start! I’m a Marketing Manager, working for Disney in London (the place that kids dreams are made of). I live with Jess and the best dog that has ever lived – Pongo the Cockapoo (Disney name of course!) I’m laid back and sarcastic. I also now have the love of my life by my side thanks to Her and we are getting married next year (gulp)! I don’t have any hobbies AT ALL! But am currently doing a stand up comedy course which has thrown me in to the welcome unknown, yet is surprisingly fun!
Jess: Now I’m in a relationship I thought I’d never have to answer another ‘tell me about you’ question…but here goes… laughing is my favorite thing. If I could, I’d spend my life sat around a dinner table with my family and friends, wine and good food, laughing and telling each other stories. I dies for seafood, oysters especially, someone liking oysters was a make or break for me relationship wise, that and liking cats and dogs!
El: My gay life had been a little hard, I spent most of my 20’s in denial. I tried to go to a few lesbian nights in my early 20’s but I dreaded them. Back in the day, internet dating was something for the weirdos out there, until a few years ago it started to seem ok. I joined a female version of Grindr where I received messages like ‘wanna hook up’? I’d think, what happened to starting a nice conversation or asking me out?!
Jess: I’ve always been very lucky to have an amazing bunch of gay friends. As the years went on our friendships transitioned from drunken nights in Soho and the occasional cross-over women wise (!) to real life friendships, where instead of competing for women, we supported and encouraged each other. In each relationship I’ve grown to understand myself more and what I did and didn’t want. Had I not met all those people, all of which were very different, I may have always wondered if the grass may be greener, but now I know I have the greenest grass.
Eloise: Last May I Googled ‘lesbian app’ and Her came up! I downloaded it and liked it straight away. It looked modern and fresh and worked a little like Instagram, without 100 questions to fill in. I met up with some girls after a couple of weeks of chatting but I didn’t really fancy them. 16th September I was doing my usual scrolling & liking when I got a message from Jess. Our conversation was flowing, two days later we met up. When she walked in to the pub I thought she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, we have been inseparable ever since and I proposed in May this year!
Jess: I was excited that there was an easy to use app that didn’t require loads of paragraphs of description, it enabled you to get across enough about yourself to prompt a conversation and/or interest, but didn’t require too much effort. I had no expectations when joining, just hoped that it would bring a new pool of fishies.
El: Jess has made my life at last feel complete. I am a strong independent individual that has always enjoyed life but she definitely makes life fun, loving and whole. I cannot wait until July 2nd 2016 when I will become Mrs Bradley.
Jess: Since meeting El my life if so much richer. She makes me laugh everyday and even the irritating things I find endearing. She makes me want to be the best version of myself, even if I do hate her when she asks if I need that family size bag of Doritos after I’ve had a 3 course meal, or when she makes me walk all the way upstairs to show me one sock on the floor which I hadn’t put in the wash basket! She’s the best person in every way and seeing how much my family love her and how much she has become a part of our family is the most amazing thing in the world.
El: Our first trip, to Paris. For some reason we went out the night before, got absolutely hammered at a rubbish pub until 3am. We were due to leave at 6am for the Eurostar.
Jess: Naturally, we missed our train and whilst waiting for the next one I fell over, El said it was in slow motion and she could have saved me but just stood and watched. Once we got to Paris we immediately hit McDonald’s for a Big Mac meal (large) and went straight to bed at the hotel. The rest of the trip was amazing, great food, great laughs, discovering that she’s everything I was looking for.
El: Give it a go, be patient and be prepared to make some effort in conversation! It’s not Tinder… and that’s a good thing. You’ll have great dates, good memories, a lot of friends and quite possibly the love of your life.
Jess: It’s a great app—one that beats all of those average, run-of-the-mill online lesbian chats. HER is designed by queer people to create safe, fun, and flirty conversations among queer folks.
Remember that every person you meet is a chance to have a negative or positive impact on their life. If you go on a date and don’t fancy the person, that’s ok, be honest, they could end up becoming a friend. If you meet someone and aren’t interested, well you never know, that girl may be friends with someone you’ll like.