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Jun 12, 2019
Thinking about a family, but don’t want to break the bank? Believing those statistics that say almost anytime at age 30 your time to have a baby is limited? Did you know there is actually no predictor of fertility? Unless, obvi, you’re actively carrying a baby. This is where Modern Fertility steps in.
Modern Fertility is a home test where you can get personalized home tests, have resources available to answer questions and access to more knowledge about yourself. But how much do you currently know about fertility? Specifically toward the LGBTQ+ community? Guessing on a scale of 1/10 you might be at a 2? Don’t worry, modern fertility is looking to resolve this issue.
What do we need to support our reproductive health in 2019? We’re taking LGBTQ+ fertility health and family planning research into our community’s hands––and we need your help. We teamed up with Modern Fertility, a reproductive health company, to create a 10 minute academic survey that will show the world what we need and want when it comes to family planning. Use this link: and help improve knowledge and resources around LGBTQ+ fertility.